More goose poop, more problems
A whopping 280,000 Canada geese now live in Michigan. That means a lot of goose poop and too much waste can cause environmental problems.
A whopping 280,000 Canada geese now live in Michigan. That means a lot of goose poop and too much waste can cause environmental problems.
Crowdfunding has been making public space improvements happen across Michigan for over a decade.
Pollution from coal-based steel production causes hundreds of premature deaths each year, with people in Southeast Michigan and elsewhere in the Great Lakes region bearing much of the burden, according to a recent report.
The mighty oak may be in trouble in the Great Lakes region, including Michigan–and climate change is largely to blame.
Under Michigan law, knowing how many children are homeschooled in the state is almost impossible.
For the third year in a row, Michigan’s recycling rate has hit a record-high.
The popularity of a cheaper and environmentally friendly burial alternative is rising in the US, but Michigan has yet to legalize it.