Look Up During This Weekend’s Football Games…and Get Inspired to Vote

By Lisa Hayes

September 23, 2022

Where does the youth vote make the most difference? Of all the House congressional districts nationwide, Michigan’s 3rd—that’s the region with Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Grand Haven—ranks 7th for young voter significance, according to Tufts University’s Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement.

In 2020, 13% of all votes cast in Michigan’s Presidential Election came from people ages 18-29, with 62% electing President Joe Biden and 35% voting for Donald Trump.

Look Up During This Weekend's Football Games...and Get Inspired to Vote

That turnout for Dems is a compelling reason for the Democratic National Committee to show up where Michigan’s young people are this weekend and encourage them to register to vote.

“The stakes of this November’s election are high, which is why the DNC is meeting young voters where they are to encourage them to register to vote and make their voices heard,” said DNC States Communications Director Brooke Goren.

If you’re attending or watching the University of Michigan’s game against Maryland, or the Michigan State game against Minnesota this weekend, you’ll see banners being flown overhead directing Michiganders to head to online and register.

“Whether you’re a Wolverine or a Spartan, every eligible Michigander should visit IWILLVOTE.com to see how they can register,” Goren said.

The aerial ads are part of a six-figure campaign across a dozen states, encouraging young voters to register ahead of the midterm election on November 8.

For a simple and quick guide to voting in Michigan, head over to ‘Gander Newsroom’s voter hub. Looking for info in Spanish? Here’s a link. Want to know what’s on your ballot, what the deal is with voting for the Supreme Court, or if it’s safe to vote this year? We’ve got you covered.


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