
Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new ‘I Voted’ stickers

By Lucas Henkel

September 4, 2024

The winning designs—submitted by Michiganders of all ages—will be given to voters this fall as the state’s official 2024 Presidential Election stickers. 

If you’re looking for signs that bipartisanship is alive and well this election season, look no further than the stickers you take home from the polling center.

Nearly 500 ideas were submitted in Michigan’s first-ever contest to design an “I Voted” sticker, which kicked off in May. The Michigan Collegiate Student Advisory Task Force narrowed them down to 25 semifinalists in three categories: elementary/middle school (grades K-8), high school (grades 9-12), and general entry (open to Michigan residents of all ages). 

It was up to the public to decide which designs would appear on the chests of more than 8 million registered voters in Michigan this fall.

After receiving nearly 58,000 votes, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced the nine winners this week.

Among them are six high, middle, and elementary school students.

“I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and creativity [of] the people of our great state,” said Secretary Benson, in a recent press release.

“Now, let’s use the same energy in casting a vote this November. I encourage every eligible voter to make a plan now to have your voice heard–vote with an absentee ballot, at an early voting site, or on Election Day–and feel proud to wear a sticker designed by a fellow Michigander.” 

To see the winning designs, read on: 

Elementary / Middle School 

  1. Jane Hynous, Grosse Pointe
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers
  2. Gabby Warner, Rockford
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers
  3. Katelyn Stouffer-Hopkins, Lansing
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers

High School 

  1. Olivia Smiertka, Holly
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers
  2. Michelle Lekhtman, West Bloomfield
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers
  3. Andrew Brasher, Saint Louis 

        Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers


  1. Kelsey Winiarski, Livonia
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers 
  2. Breanna Tanner, Grand Rapids
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers
  3. Madelyn VerVaecke, Livonia 
    Gen Z and Gen Alpha design Michigan’s new 'I Voted' stickers

For more information about voting and elections in Michigan, check out our 2024 Voting Guide.


  • Lucas Henkel

    Lucas Henkel is a multimedia reporter who strives to inform and inspire local communities. Before joining The 'Gander, Lucas served as a journalist for the Lansing City Pulse.

CATEGORIES: Election 2024

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